Butterfield City Council learns Watonwan County to install larger recycling shed

Firefighters to receive Hepatitis A shots

The regular February meeting of the Butterfield City Council was held Monday evening, February 10, with all members in attendance, including Council Member Howard Madson via teleconference. At the meeting Council Member Nick Mathistad noted that Watonwan County will be installing a larger recycling shed in its current location, and queried his fellow members whether the Butterfield-Odin After-Prom Aluminum Can Bin could be moved to a different location to ensure there would be plenty of room for the larger shed. The council felt that moving the can bin would not be a problem.

Prepping for innoculations

Council Member Mathistad also informed the council that at a recent firefighter training, the Butterfield Fire Department learned that all members were required to receive Hepatitis A shots. The innoculations will be done in the near future, possibly at a monthly meeting of the department.

In other business

* Butterfield City Clerk Leslie Heffele shared with the council that the City-Wide Clean-Up would be held on Saturday, April; 26. Heffele will check with Watonwan County to coordinate an appliance pick-up that same day, as had been done during prior clean-up days. Letters about the event will be sent to city residents soon, giving them plenty of time to organize their clean-up items.

* Due to a water main break, Butterfield City Maintenance Manager Brandon Winch was unable to attend the meeting to present his report.

* Council members approved a one-year renewal of CD #21619 for the Butterfield Fire Department.

* Butterfield Mayor Ken Pankratz informed the council about the bond payments that have been made to date. Mayor Pankratz also explained that the final payment for the reimbursement of Butterfield Lake Trail expenses would be made to Watonwan County.

* The council approved the January financial statements as well as the payment of February bills.

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