Bunny hop

Easter Bunny in starring roles at ECI event, Chamber egg hunt

It was truly a bunny hop for the busy Easter Bunny on Saturday morning, April 4. As the lead in his favorite holiday’s starring role, the rabbit hopped from place-to-place during his two-stop visit to Mountain Lake.

The Mountain Lake Community Center was his first destination. The Mountain Lake Early Childhood Initiative (ECI) held the event, “Muffins with the Bunny,” that included a muffin and beverage, craft work  creating a bunny rabbit or a yellow duck, an obstacle course of fun activities, an egg grab, a free book to children ages 0-to-five-years-old – and a photo op with the hare.

The bunny then hopped, skipped and jumped to Mountain Lake City Park for the annual Mountain Lake Area Chamber of Commerce Easter Egg Hunt. Children participating were divided by age into three hunt groups: (ages 0-4), (ages 5-7) and (ages 8 – 10). There was plenty of candy – over 2,000 Easter eggs filled with candy – and many other eggs that had inside them coupons from area businesses for special treats. The Easter Egg Hunt was sponsored by: Maynard’s of Mountain Lake, Observer/Advocate, United Prairie Bank, Peterson Drug & Gifts, Care & Share/10,000 Villages, Midway Farm Equipment, Casey’s, KDOM, Hometown Sanitation and Country Pride True Value.

Following is a photo gallery from both of Saturday morning’s events:


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THE EASTER BUNNY was happy to support the free book giveaway to children ages 0-to-five-years-old by the Mountain Lake ECI.




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NOLAN GERBER FOLLOWS his shot to the hole at the mini-golf station at the ECI event in the Mountain Lake Community Center.




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A SPEEDY AND sure-footed Kallyn Morey whips her way down the length of the balance beam.




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ALLY HANSON, RIGHT, is all eyes and ears as she watches and learns from her mom, Becki Hanson, left, how to place the bunny rabbit’s pink pom-pom in the right spot.




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JUST GETTING STARTED on their Easter Bunny art project are the Garza siblings. From left, Samantha, Claudia and Francisco Jr.




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KUSHTON PONGDARA, LEFT, asked his mom, Aly Pongdara, right, a question about the beak for the yellow duck they were creating together.




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PHOTO TIME WITH the Easter Bunny, left, on his favorite holiday. While Cooper James, center, isn’t too certain about the large white animal with the crooked ears and cotton-tail, his big sister, Brynlee James, right, knows just what to do make the moment memorable.




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AT MOUNTAIN LAKE City Park for the egg hunt, Keaton Khemphomma waits patiently for the signal to start – keeping an eye on the egg right in front of him.




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2014 MISS MOUNTAIN Lake Jenny Wright performed the official duties to kick off the egg hunt by sounding the starting siren.




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AND, ON HEARING the high-pitched siren squawk, the kids knew just what to do.




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DAYTON WEBSKOWSKI, FRONT, grabbed up another egg during the hunt while her mom, Heather Webskowski, back, captured the moment with her cell phone.




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DAYTON WALL SHOWED the curious all of the eggs he had found during the hunt.




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ROYAL LATU LIKED to keep his Easter eggs close at hand – well, at least one in each hand. There were a couple more to be found in his name-imprinted Easter basket, though.




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THE BYAM BUNCH – plus a Reisdorfer – with the Bunny. These four guys held a photo shoot with the Easter Bunny, center, following the egg hunt. To the left the Bunny, Trysten Reisdorfer, front and Montgomery Byam, back. At the Bunny’s right, Dawson Byam, left and Cyrus Byam, right.



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