A great state af’fair’

MLES 4th graders tout their own ‘State(s) Fair’ version

Exhibits to see, lots to learn, people watching to do – and all kinds of food- many even on-a-stick. That’s what makes a State Fair great.

Mountain Lake Public Elementary School (MLES) fourth-grade students touted their own version with a “State(s) Fair” on Thursday afternoon, April 2, with state displays scattered throughout the elementary gymnasium.

For many weeks, the students of social studies teacher Stephanie Willaby (her teaching partner Matt Anderson teaches science to the students) have been studying a specific state, along with preparing display boards, for the event. Research included the State Nickname, State Flower, State Bird, State Food, State Muffin, State Animal, State Insect . . . State “Whatever” – along with what makes that particular state a great state. Along with sharing knowledge about their state, the students provided state fair attendees with plenty of selections of food-on-a-toothpick, or on a cracker or on a plate, along with a snack-in-a-cup or beverage-in-a-glass.

Below is a photo gallery of some of the fourth-graders – and their respective state boards:


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A WIDE-ANGLE view of the Mountain Lake Public School’s elementary gymnasium and the assortment of fourth-graders and their state boards – all part of the annual “State(s) Fair.”



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BRINGING “SWEET HOME Alabama” directly to these MLES kindergarten students with his Alabama state board was Mason Fast, standing back.



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THE STATE OF Colorado provides folks with many terrific scenery options – including at Estes Park. Madison Schultz shared all about the state with her board chock full of info (and her cowboy cookie samples).



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ABI RENTERIA OFFERS up a taste treat from her state of Delaware – ginger peachy chicken. As Abi shared, ginger peachy chicken is made with two important Delaware products – broiler chickens and peaches. In fact, Sussex County in Delaware produces more broiler chickens than any other county in the United States. And peaches were once such an important crop in the state that the state flower is the peach blossom.



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IDAHO’S POTATOES WERE hot stuff as part of Avrom Buller’s potato nachos – an example – and food sample – of just one thing his state has to offer.



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INDIANA’S CORN FARMERS were given a boost by Graciela Ramirez, courtesy of her state board promoting all Indiana has to offer – as well as her corn bread taste samples.



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OREGON IS KNOWN as “The Beaver State” as the state board of Peyton Banks proudly declares. That – and the small-size stuffed friend in Peyton’s arms, noting the beaver’s big flat tail. Peyton knew that the beaver uses its tail for important uses on the land and in the water. On land, the tail acts as a prop when sitting or standing and as a counter-balance when carrying building material. Meanwhile, in the water, the beaver uses its flexible tail as a four-way rudder. When diving after being frightened, a beaver loudly slaps the water with its tail. The sound warns all beavers in the vicinity that danger is near. The tail also stores fat, and because it is nearly hairless, it releases body heat, helping the beaver to regulate its body temperature. Also, beavers do not use their tails to plaster mud on their dams.



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OFFICIAL BUCKEYE TREATS emphasized the fact that Meesha Hoek’s state of Ohio is known as “The Buckeye State.” According to Meesha, the homemade buckeyes are made to resemble the nut-like seeds (or horse chestnuts) of the tree species Aesculus glabra, more commonly known as the Ohio buckeye.



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KAYLIE BAERG SMILES and says, “Cheese!” as she offers up a plateful of a variety of cheese samples – while sporting a styrofoam cheesehead hat. Between the cheese – and all of the gold, dark green and white colors of the Green Bay Packers – Kaylie’s state is Wisconsin.



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IN CHARACTER AS a Texan (no greenhorn) with cowboy hat and boots – while serving as a promotion manager for her state of Texas – is Paris Fast.


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