Protective guardians for their adopted highway miles

MLC High School students, staff clean up road ditches along section of ’60’

Mountain Lake Christian (MLC) High School students in grades 7-12, along with staff members, served as protective guardians for the school’s adopted highway miles, cleaning up a section of Minnesota State Highway #60 through the state’s Adopt-A-Highway program on Thursday afternoon, September 4. Each year, MLC high school students participate in service projects as a part of their experience at the school. Service is an important part of taking care of God’s world and the people that He loves, according to . The afternoon opportunity of cleaning the ditches along Highway #60 surrounding Mountain Lake was this year’s Service Project #1.  Students donned yellow vests and gloves and spent a couple hours at work.


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WITH THE MOUNTAIN Lake sign pointing the way, a trio of MLC High School students pause for a photo op while packing trash from roadside ditches in plastic yellow bags. From left, Summer Janzen, Ann-Katrin Schultz and Bryce Adrian.


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A GROUP PHOTO of MLC students in grades 7-12 and the staff members who assisted them in the ditch clean-up.
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