Adopts ordinance establishing rates, fee, administrative fines

The Mountain Lake City Council took up the 2018 list of designations and appointments at the city government body’s Tuesday, January 2 meeting.
Following is the complete list:
Elected Officials
Mayor Mike Nelson – Term expires 12/31/18
Council Member Andrew Ysker – Term expires 12/31/18
Council Member Dana Kass – Term expires 12/31/18
Council Member David Savage – Term expires 12/31/20
Council Member Darla Kruser – Term expires 12/31/20
Annual Designations and Appointments
* Reappointment
** New appointment
+ Street Department – *Mike Nelson
+ Acting Mayor – *David Savage
+ Official Legal Publication – *Observer/Advocate
+ City Attorney – *Muske, Muske & Suhrhoff, Ltd.
+ City Forester and Weed Inspector – *Rick Oeltjenbruns
+ Emergency Management Director – *Douglas Bristol
+ Fire Chief – *Tim Coners
+ Ambulance Corps Director – *David Watkins
+ HIPAA Privacy Officer – *Wendy Meyer
+ Data Practices Compliance Officer – *Wendy Meyer
+ City Assessor – *Cottonwood County
+ Salary Negotiations – *Council
+ Official City Depository – *United Prairie Bank and *Northland Securities
Social Media Administrators
+ Police Department Facebook and Nixle – Douglas Bristol, Emily Mathiowetz, Will Pohlmann, Jacob Vitzum and Ryan Hillesheim
+ City Facebook – Rob Anderson and Tabitha Garloff
Boards and Commissions
+ Library Board (5 members 3-year term)
Marci Hernandez – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Barrie Wright – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Diane Englin – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
Vicki Krueger – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
*Dennis Cords – 1/1/18 to 12/31/20
*Dana Kass, City Council Liaison
+ Utilities Commission (5 members, 3-year term)
Brett Lohrenz – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Todd Johnson – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
John Carrison – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Mike Johnson – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
*Mark Langland – 1/1/18 to 12/31/20
*David Savage, City Council Liaison
+ Planning and Zoning Commission (7 members, 3-year term)
Sharron Hanson – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Douglas Regehr – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Dean Janzen – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
**Open Seat – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
*Bryan Bargen – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
*Tim Swoboda – 1/1/18 to 12/31/20
*Nik Strom – 1/1/18 to 12/31/20
*Steve Carson, Building Inspector
*Andrew Ysker, Ex Officio
+ Housing and Redevelopment Authority (5 members, 5-year term)
James McDonald – 1/1/14-12/31/18
Merv Rempel – 1/1/15 to 12/31/19
Yvonne Hildebrandt – 1/1/16 to 12/31/20
Clara Johnson – 1/1/17-12/31/21
*James Crawford – 1/1/18 to 12/31/22
+ Economic Development Authority (7 members; appointed members, 6-year term and council representatives, 2-year term)
*Darla Kruser, Council – 1/1/17 to 12/31/18
*Mike Nelson, Council – 1/1/17 to 12/31/18
Brian Harder – 1/1/13 to 12/31/18
Steve Syverson – 1/1/14 to 12/31/19
Vern Peterson – 1/1/15 to 12/31/20
Jerry Haberman – 1/1/15 to 12/31/20
*Mark Hanson – 1/1/17 to 12/31/22
*Clara Johnson, Advisory
*Brad Hanson, Advsory
*Dean Janzen, Advisory
+ Lake Commission (7 members, 3-year term)
Jason Kruser – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Mike James – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
David Bucklin – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Jean Haberman – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
Heather Funk – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
*Jim Peterson – 1/1/18 to 12/31/20
*Jason Honkomp – 1/1/18 to 12/31/20
*Lester Rupp, Advisory
*Tim Klassen, Advisory
*Christine Bennett, Advisory
*Mike Nelson, City Council Liaison
+ Police Commission (5 members, 3-year term)
Norm Kunkel – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Susan Garloff – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
Brian Lunz – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
*Garret Wall – 1/1/18 to 12/31/120
*Charles Witt – 1/1/18 to 12/31/20
*Dana Kass, City Council Liaison
+ Tree Commission (5 members, 3-year term)
Gary Hildebrandt – 1/1/16 to 12/31/18
Steve Harder – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
**Open Seat – 1/1/17 to 12/31/19
*David Bucklin – 1/1/18 to 12/31/20
*Jerry Logue – 1/1/18 to 12/31/20
*Mike Nelson, City Council Liaison
*Rick Oeltjenbruns, Advisory
*Judy Harder, Advisory
+ Fire Department
*Tim Coners – Chief
**Andrew Ysker – Assistant Chief
*David Watkins – President
*Tim Janzen – Treasurer
*Jason Kruser – Secretary
*Trey Hopwood and *Tim Janzen – Air Pack Maintenance
*Robert Gohr, *Jordan Brugman and *Andrew Windschitl – Training Officers
*Taylor Nesmoe – “Grass Rigs” Maintenance
*Andrew Ysker – Old Pumper Maintenance
*Brian Janzen, *Jason Sumner and *John Carrison – Rescue Vehicle Maintenance
*Jordan Brugman – Tanker Maintenance
*Brian Janzen, *Jason Sumner and *John Carrison – New Pumper Maintenance
+ Ambulance Service
*David Watkins – Captain
*Emily Adrian – Assistant Captain
*Tim Janzen – Secretary
**Darla Kruser – Treasurer
*Mark Warner – Training Officer
*Neal Wenner – Maintenance
Rates, fees, administrative fines established
Council members reviewed, amended and adopted the City Code ordinance that establishes rates, fees and administrative fines, with the changes from 2017 noted.
The complete listing can be seen at Mountain Lake City Hall.
In other business
+ Approved the hiring of Taylor Nesmoe as Water/Wastewater Work as of January 4, 2018.
+ Approved 2018 wage and salary increases as stated in union contracts or previously determined by the council. Salaries in the 2018 city and utility budgets were increased an average of 2% over 2017.
+ Heard a report from Mountain Lake City Attorney Maryellen Suhrhoff on the Mountain Lake Police Fine Schedule, part of Ordinance #1-18. Attorney Suhrhoff recommended changes to, and addition of, offenses and fines due to new and revised city ordinances. Following discussion, the council adopted the revised schedule per Suhrhoff’s recommendation.
+ Briefly reviewed a letter from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Fund (LMCIT) 2018 Property/Casualty regarding the 2017 dividend.
+ Briefly reviewed the seniority list as of January 1, 2018, included those hired by contract and for the summer.
+ Adopted the minimum General Fund Balance and Assignment of General Funds.
+ Reviewed the summary of 2017 City of Mountain Lake building, shingling and siding permits, as well as those from 2011 through 2016. Following is 2017’s summary:
- Building permits – 22 permits with a value of $482,561
- Shingling/Siding permits – 19
- Mechanical permits – 20
- Fence permits – 5
- Shed permits – 3
+ Heard from representatives of Heartfelt Home Care. They discussed their services and plans to expand into the Mountain Lake area. Heartfelt recently opened an office at 227 10th Street North.
+ Agreed to hold a special meeting this evening (Tuesday, January 9) to interview firms to assist with the hiring of a new administrator/clerk. Firms set to be interviewed included DDA Human Resources and Springsted Waters.
+ Learned that the next “Coffee with the Council” will be held in February. Administrator Meyer will contact the restaurant owner to determine a suitable date and time. Possible February dates were discussed. A decision will be at the Monday, January 15 council meeting when all members are present.
+ The next city council meeting will be Monday, January 15, 6:30 p.m., in the Mountain Lake City Council Chambers.
2018 meeting schedule
Council meetings will be held the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. – with the following exceptions:
- January meetings will be held Tuesday, January 2 and Tuesday, January 16 due to New Year’s Day and Martin Luther King Junior Day observance.
- Second February meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 20, due to Presidents’ Day observance.
- Second June meeting will be held on Monday, June 25 to Pow Wow celebration.
- July meetings will be held Monday, July 9 and Monday, July 23.
- First September meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 4 due to Labor Day observance.
- December meetings will be held Tuesday, December 4 and Tuesday, December 18 due to school events.
City of Mountain Lake Meeting Dates
+ Mountain Lake City Council meets the first and third Mondays of every month at 7 p.m.
+ Utilities Commission meets the second and fourth Thursdays of every month at 7 a.m.
+ Economic Development Authority (EDA) meets the second Friday of every month at 12 noon.
+ Lake Commission meets the second Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m.
+ Library Board meets the second Wednesday of every month at 4:45 p.m.
+ Police Commission meets the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m.
+ Planning and Zoning meets the last Monday of the month, if needed.
+ Tree Commission meets quarterly – January, April, July and October – at 7:45 p.m.