Senior student signature series

Joshua Mychackavane next author in 2016-2017 MLHS senior student editorial series

* The 2016-2017 senior student signature series features area senior class students – and their own “signature” outlooks on a topic of their choice. A new outlook will be posted on Cross-Counties Connect each Friday. The series opens with point of view comments by seniors from Mountain Lake Public High School (MLHS). The opinions can be found by clicking on the Family & Faith link on the website’s header, and scrolling down to, and clicking on, Outlook.  Their teachers are Brenda Feil, Kim Syverson and Debby Jass.


Cruel Testing?

Standardized test-taking shouldn’t be able to determine my future in school or college. It doesn’t mean a low besides how much general knowledge I can retain. Generalizing a student’s brain and academic performance through a single test is, in my opinion, inappropriate. It definitely is now an accurate way to test kids.

In fact, said it best: A standardized test can ruin a grade point average (GPA) or take the focus off of how well a student did through their years in school. Instead of doing well, you did badly and it ruined your GPA, but you tried your hardest. Don’s only look at how well the student did on the test; instead, ask the teacher who teaches them and knows their habits in classroom proficiency.

For example, cars, phones and planes have all advanced; whereas, standardized tests have been the same for 150 years, according to Look around you, technology has all evolved for the better of society, and classes around the world have changed, but standardized tests have not. Even the creator of standardized testing, Frederick J. Kelly, agrees not to use a standardized test and said, “These tests are too crude to be used and should be abandoned.”

Lastly, standardized tests can be cruel, but DON’T take my word for it, take it from Kelly’s statement. The Washington Post has even said that standardized tests are cruel because of the amount of success that rides on your score. Not everyone is a good test-taker. I know people, including myself, who do fine in “class,” but struggle at taking tests. For me personally, I just get nervous and overthink each and every question.

In conclusion, as a student who has gone through taking standardized tests, I don’t enjoy them, and even dread taking them because they do not depict an accurate image of a student’s academic possibility. I feel as if there is a better way to test what a student knows than a standardized test. I should also note that the creator of the standardized test disapproves of using them and also, that not everyone is a good test-taker. Too much educational opportunity rides on a standardized test score, and on the studetn’s true academic capability.

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