MLPS School Board approves multiple staff hires

Increase Junior High/Senior High activity fees

The Mountain Lake Public School (MLPS) School Board approved multiple staff hires at his Monday, June 29 meeting.

New to school staff are the following:

* Marilyn Fast as Elementary Music Teacher, Step 1 Lane 1, at $33,500.

* Sara Nickel as an ECFE (Early Child Family Education) teacher, upon successful completion of her PreK-Elementary Education Licensure, at a rate of $22 per hour.

* Baily Davis as a High School Paraprofessional at a rate of $10.30 per hour.

Activity fee increases

Board members also approved a rate increase of $5 each for Junior High and High School activity fees, and a rate increase of $10 for family maximum.

In other business

* Approved the final notification of intent-to-retire for agriculture education instructor and FFA Advsior Tom Appel, effective December 31, 2015.

* Approved the revised 2014-2015 general fund budget.

* Approved the Western Community Action/Head Start Agreement as presented.

* Congratulated agriculture education instructor and FFA Advisor Lindsey Brown on her Outstanding Young Member Award to be presented at the upcoming Minnesota Association of Ag Educators meeting.

MLPS/B-OPS joint school nurse hired

At an emergency board meeting held Monday morning, June 15, board members approved the hiring of Lana Sanders as a Licensed School Nurse (LSN) at a rate of $41,200, upon successful completion of her LSN.

They also entered into an agreement with Butterfield-Odin Public School (B-OPS) to share the services of Sanders as a school nurse.

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