Two area schools’ instrumental groups combine for ‘Side-By-Side Concert’

Mountain Lake Public, Southwest Star Concert Public perform separately – and together – on February 4

The high school bands from Mountain Lake Public High School and Southwest Star Concept Public High School (Heron Lake and Okabena), invited the public to attend their joint “Side-By-Side Concert” to be held on Tuesday, February 4, beginning at 7:30 p.m., in the BARC (Business, Arts and Recreation Center) in Windom, located at 1012 Fifth Avenue. The concert will showcase each school, as well as combine the forces of both groups for several songs at the conclusion of the program.

Kevin Huseth, director of Southwest Star’s group, will conduct “Pachinko” by Paul Yoder, “Simple Gifts” by James Ployhar and “Achilles Wrath” by Sean O’Laughlin to kick off the evening.

The Mountain Lake Percussion Ensemble will perform, as well as the Jazz Wolves (the senior high jazz band), prior to the school’s Concert Band taking the stage, presenting “Epitaph” by Bill Locklear and “Havendance” by David Holsinger. Kurt Jahnke is the director for all the groups.

The evening’s performances will conclude with the combined bands performing “Encanto” by Robert W. Smith and “Seven Nation Army.”

“The concert is a great way for our students to come together and share music. They frequently compete against each other in sports – this is a unique avenue for them to interact in a different way,” says Jahnke.

The concert is free and the public is warmly invited to attend.

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