Lake Commission to turn on aeration system

Jay Schied agrees to serve another term, Jason Kruser selected for commission; Officers to remain the same



lake commission



The Lake Commission met Monday, January 11, with Chair Jim Peterson reporting that Mountain Lake is now covered by a good four inches of ice; set for the aeration system to be turned on.

Lake Commission members and other volunteers will meet at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning, January 16, to place “Thin Ice” signs and turn on the aeration system.

Commission members, officers set

Jay Schied has agreed to serve another term on the Lake Commission. In addition, Jason Kruser will be recommended to the Mountain Lake City Council to serve as a new Lake Commission member.

Peterson and Dave Bucklin will continue to serve as commission co-chairs, and Jean Haberman will remain as the commission’s secretary.

In other business

+ Schied presented the results of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Aquatic Vegetation Survey completed in 2015. (The previous survey was done in 2009.) The survey included 110 sampling points, with all point having submerged aquatic vegetation. Six different native species were found in 85% of the sampling points. Plant growth was found in the deepest sampling point at 6.8 feet. Curly-leaf was found at 79% of all sampling points; or 87 points out of 110 (up from 74% in the 2009 survey). An invasive terrestrial species – leafy spurge – was observed on the northeast shoreline. Schied shared that he had also seen it in the cattails on the west end of the lake, and Bucklin added that he as seen it along the east end by Mountain Lake City Cemetery.

+ In discussion on the Mountain Lake Trail, the City of Mountain Lake has filed an appeal regarding the judgment in the Yoder case. Mountain Lake City Clerk/Administrator Wendy Meyer will bring warning sign samples and prices to the next Lake Commission meeting. Peterson had talked to Ron Melson, supervisor of the utility’s electric department, concerning the placement of a root barrier where the willow roots are forcing their way up through the trail. Melson said he city is willing to help with that project. The city has a trencher that goes 24 inches deep. Haberman will do research on samples and pricing. Bucklin suggested using steel siding as a barrier. In relation to the trail, Peterson has place bags of aluminum cans in the trailer so there is more room for cans in the Lake Commission’s collection bin.

+ Schied reported that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) would have the chemical analysis and Secchi disk report in approximately mid-April.

+ Schied is still working on eliminating the buckthorn on the second island.

+ The treasurer’s report was approved as presented. Bills included – mouse poison for the aeration shed from Country Pride ($8.54), Utilities for postage from 10/1/15 to 12/29/15 ($154.76), Grandprey as commissioner for Yoder Hearing ($814.95) and Muske Mountain Lake Trail legal fees ($3,150.). Income included – Cottonwood County-Aquatic Invasive Species Grant, BWSR-Board of Water and Soil Resources-funds: $10,000 for weed harvester replacement/repairs and $2,000 for aeration electricity expenses ($12,000), Cottonwood County second-half of tax levy ($750) and League of Minnesota League of Minnesota Cities insurance dividend ($116.60).

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