Lake Commission holds August meeting

Long-term plans to be prepared



The regular meeting of the Lake Commission was held Monday evening, August 15. Lake Commission Chair Jason Kruser raised the preparation of a long-term plan for the commission. Members were encouraged to brainstorm and bring items for such planning to the group’s next meeting.

Members also decided to maintain the budget as it is currently.

It was also noted that the group received a $1,000 grant from the Mountain Lake Area Foundation (MLAF), along from a $1,200 Mountain Lake Lions Club donation for improvements as part of the beach area project.

Mountain Lake City Administrator/Clerk Wendy Meyer shared that she had applied for a grant for more benches and new trail map signage.
Old business

+ Learned that Kruser will speak with Brian Hopwood of the Mountain Lake Golf Course and Brett Lohrenz of Lohrenz Construction Inc. about beginning work on the sediment pond after Labor Day. The project is slated to be completed by the end of the year.

+ Learned that Nickel Construction Inc. of Mountain Lake is set to begin making repairs to the plunge pool, part of the storm sewer outlet into Mountain Lake.

+ Learned that no surveying has as yet been done on culverts to be placed on the Ken and Rachel Yoder property and at Lawcon Park.

Waters of Mountain Lake

+ Noted that the weed harvester will be taken out of the lake after Friday, September 1.

+ Learned that the fishing pier will be moved to its winter location in mid-October.

Beach at Mountain Lake

+ Noted that the beach clean-up went well.

+ Learned that the pergola and benches to be place in the beach area must be ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant. Fifteen inches of fill is required for a slope down to the pergola to meet requirements. Administrator Meyer will speak with Stephen Funk about adding 6″ of fill before his ag classes at Mountain Lake Public High School construct the pergola and benches. Herrig’s Construction of Mountain Lake will be doing the concrete work.

+ Learned that the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has expressed interest in transferring ownership of the land on the south and east side of the lake to the City of Mountain Lake.

Mountain Lake Trail

+ Learned that there are two cracks in the trail south of the foot bridge, two holes along Cottonwood County Road #44 and two holes on the north side of the trail by Oeltjenbruns property that need to be cold-patched. Travis Martin, part-time trail maintenance employee, will be contacted about doing the work.

+ Learned that the corner by County 44 and 560th Avenue is being crossed by heavy equipment and might need some work in the future.

Open Forum

+ During Open Forum, Lake Commission Secretary Jean Haberman and Mountain Lake Mayor Mike Nelson read a text Rachel Yoder had sent to them. Yoder would like to have signage addressed in the long-range plans and would like to be consulted when the plan to fix the run-off problem is decided.

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