Senior student signature series

Alexis Ibarra Alvarado is author of next 2015-2016 MLHS senior student editorial

* The 2015-2016 senior student signature series features area senior class students – and their own “signature” outlooks on a topic of their choice. A new outlook will be posted on Cross-Counties Connect each Friday. The series opens with point of view comments by seniors from Mountain Lake Public High School. The opinions can be found by clicking on the Family & Faith link on the website’s header, and scrolling down to, and clicking on, Outlook.  Their teachers are Brenda Feil, Kim Syverson and Debby Jass.

Pit Bulls Deserve Love

A pit bull deserves to be treated like any other dog in the world.

Don’t fear a pit bull; fear the ignorant, heartless and dangerous people who train them to be aggressive and fight. So many people think pit bulls are automatically born to fight and cause trouble. This is a definite misconception.

When pit bulls are born, they are just like any other puppy – playful and loving. Their actions are determined by the owner. If they are brought up to fight when they come in contact with another dog. then they will be aggressive and want to fight just to please their master.

Pit bulls are very loyal and will do anything to gain love and acceptance. The big problem today is that every time there is a fight or an incident including a pit bull, people never actually think about who started it. They automatically think that it was the pit bull who came and attacked, when in fact, most times it is the other dog or person who provokes the pit bull. any dog can attack – it is just not pit bulls.

People are so quick to judge by what they have heard and stories people make up, when actually the truth is that pit bulls are the most cuddly, loyal and biggest baby dog you will ever meet. A dog cannot be judged on its acts without looking at the one who raised it. They should be held responsible one hundred percent of the time. If a person cannot handle a pit bull, he or she should not buy one. People go and buy a pit bull thinking it will just be easy. They do need lots or care and love just like any dog, but they also need committed owners who are not just going to end up giving up on them when the dog does not know right from wrong.

Being a pit bull owner takes lots of dedication, not only with the dog, but also standing up to people who say horrible things about the whole pit bull breed. If you have never owned a pit bull yourself, or known one personally, then how can you even put your thoughts forward and make judgments? I personally think people who have never had a pit bull should simply keep their opinions to themselves. It is only reasonable.

I, myself, have two amazing pit bulls, and they are the most precious dogs ever. They honestly just want to be loved and played with. I have had to deal with people who are really quick to judge, and it is very frustrating.

I believe that every dog deserves to be treated equally. Pit bulls are one of the few dog breeds promoted to be something way worse than they are. These dogs used to be nanny dogs to watcher after children, so how could they be so vicious and still be trusted to take care of children? Pit bulls are used as therapy, educational and service dogs – just like any other breed. I do not understand how they are still treated so differently.

Pit bulls are the number one breed found in animal shelters, outnumbering every other. According to BarkPost, every year an estimated one million innocent pit bulls are put to sleep, which includes the 2,800 put to sleep every day. Right now, there are about thirty-five thousand pit bulls up for adoption. These numbers need to go down, and these homeless dogs need to find loving homes. there is absolutely no need for this many dogs to be killed just because people did not know what they were getting into when they adopted them

Pit bulls deserve love, care and commitment. They should not have to suffer because they are so loyal to please their owners. Just because there are dangerous people out there teaching these pit bulls to do harm does not mean every pit bull is like that.

No matter what, pit bulls will always be around, and hopefully one day they will get the love and respect they deserve.

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