Senior student signature series

Ashley Watkins is first 2015-2016 MLHS senior student editorial

* The 2015-2016 senior student signature series features area senior class students – and their own “signature” outlooks on a topic of their choice. A new outlook will be posted on Cross-Counties Connect each Friday. The series opens with point of view comments by seniors from Mountain Lake Public High School. The opinions can be found by clicking on the Family & Faith link on the website’s header, and scrolling down to, and clicking on, Outlook.  Their teachers are Brenda Feil, Kim Syverson and Debby Jass.

Starting the Day Off Right

You wake up one morning and realize that your alarm did not go off! Panicking, you fly out of bed, don the first clothes you can find, grab your backpack and sports bag, and head out the door. In all that rush, you forgot one important thing – breakfast! You think you will be fine, that you can manage until lunch, but actually, you just missed the most important meal of the day. Why is it so important? Eating breakfast can improve concentration and behavior, provide nutritional benefits, reduce health risks, and help maintain body weight.

Studies show that eating breakfast in the morning increases concentration and promotes better behavior. Over the night, the body depletes its stores of glucose; in the morning, blood sugar levels are low, which leads to fatigue, irritability, and lower mental alertness. The brain and muscles need glucose to function; without it the body might start tapping into its energy reserves, starting with the body’s muscles, according to Dr. David S. Ludwig, a nutrition expert at Harvard-affiliated Children’s Hospital Boston. Fortunately, breaking the body’s fast by consuming nutritious food can replenish the body’s blood sugar and improve mental concentration.

In addition, breakfast can provide a wealth of nutritional benefits, but like any other meal, only if the food itself is good. Eating sugary cereal or pastries usually leads to a sugar rush, then a rapid crash, leaving you feeling hungry well before lunch time. Instead, a balanced breakfast including fruit, grain, and protein can keep the blood sugar level steady. This also provides more fiber, vitamins, minerals, and calcium, which keep your body running in good health and help turn the food you eat into energy.

Another benefit of eating breakfast is reduced health risks. Studies show that eating breakfast can lower the levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. According to a Harvard Health Letter, high glycemic diets have been associated with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain. Eating low glycemic (low sugar) foods for breakfast, such as eggs, nuts, or yogurt, can prevent blood sugar spikes and reduce the risk of these unwanted conditions.

Similarly, filling your stomach in the morning can help you maintain a healthy weight. Filling up with protein and fiber contributes to feeling fuller for longer, which can minimize impulsive snacking and overeating at the next meal. Many studies on how breakfast impacts weight control have found that, on average, people who eat breakfast are generally thinner than people who do not eat breakfast. However, studies also show that eating too big of a breakfast is just as bad for weight control as not eating one at all, due to the huge intake of calories. Finding that balance is important.

In conclusion, eating a healthy breakfast provides many benefits for the body and health and contributes to an all-around sense of well-being. According to the same Harvard Health Letter, people who eat breakfast tend to live healthier lifestyles than people who usually skip breakfast. Remember this the next time you are in a rush, and please do not skip out on such an important and beneficial meal of the day.

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