Coronation kicks off 2015 B-OHS Homecoming Week

Queen Jennifer Oviedo, King Wong Vue reign over festivities

Coronation of Butterfield-Odin Public High School (B-OHS) 2015 Homecoming royalty kicked off Homecoming Week on Monday evening, September 28.

Receiving the king’s crown was Wong Vue, with the queen’s tiara placed on Jennifer Oviedo’s head.

The event was held in the school’s large gymnasium.

Saints sporting events for the remainder of Homecoming Week include:

Thursday, October 1 –

+ 8th-Grade Football (Location Changed), 4:30 p.m., Redwood Valley at Redwood Valley High School.

+ 7th-Grade Football (Location Changed), 4:30 p.m., Redwood Valley at Redwood Valley High School.

+ Girls Junior High Tennis, 4:30 p.m., Fairmont at Fairmont High School Tennis Courts.

+ Girls Junior Varsity Tennis, 4:30 p.m., Mankato West at St. James High School Tennis Courts.

+ 7th-Grade Volleyball, 4:30 p.m., Fairmont at Auditorium at Armstrong School in St. James.

+ 8th-Grade Volleyball, 4:30 p.m., Fairmont at Butterfield-Odin High School gymnasium.

+ C-Squad Football, 4:45 p.m., Jackson County Central at St. James High School Varsity Football Field.

Friday, October 2 –

+ Varsity Football, 7 p.m., Windom at St. James High School Football Field.

Saturday, October 3 –

+ Girls Varsity Tennis Tourney, 9 a.m., Blue Earth, Breck School, St. Peter at St. James High School Tennis Courts.

+ 8th-Grade Volleyball Jamboree, 9 a.m., Fairmont, Sleepy Eye and St. Peter at St. James High School Gym.

+ 7th-Grade Volleyball Jamboree, 9 a.m., Fairmont, Sleepy Eye and St. Peter at St. James High School Gym.

+ Girls Junior High Tennis Jamboree, 10 a.m., LeSueur-Henderson versus Mankato East at Mankato East High School.

A highlight of the week will be the Homecoming Parade around Butterfield on Friday, October 2, beginning at 12:45 p.m.

Following the Saints versus Windom Eagles Football game, a Homecoming Dance will be held at St. James Public High School.

Below are some photos from coronation evening:



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A GROUP SHOT of the 2015 B-OHS Homecoming King and Queen candidates. From left, Wong Vue, Chelsea Sykes, Dylan Hovdet, Austin Heffele, Jennifer Oviedo, Julia Hiebert, Paul Hanson and Mackenzie Blickem. (Jill Saunders photo)



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LAST YEAR’S KING LaMar Sengsouvanh, left, was all smiles after placing the crown on his successor, the new king, Wong Vue, right. (Jill Saunders photo)



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SENGSOUVANH, BACK, ALSO had the honor of crowning the new queen, Jennifer Oviedo, front. (Jill Saunders photo)



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QUEEN JENNIFER OVIEDO, left and King Wong Vue, right, address their loyal Butterfield-Odin Public High School subjects. (Jill Saunders photo)



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PRIOR TO THE crowning of new royalty, the King and Queen candidates had to complete a number of challenges. The challenge pictured above, led by Tristin Schumacher, left and Brianna Ringen, right, dealt with (sniff! sniff!) green peppers. (Jill Saunders photo)



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THE B-OHS SAINTS Choir shared a selection at the coronation. (Jill Saunders photo)



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THE B-OHS JUNIOR Class skit. (Jill Saunders photo)



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THE FRESHMAN CLASS at B-OHS also shared their own interesting skit. (Jill Saunders photo)



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LITTLE PRINCE TYLER Nash – bearing the King’s crown – pretty much wants this coronation crowning thing to be done and over. (Jill Saunders photo)
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