Carol’s Cyberspace

What if this was your last Christmas on earth?

By Carol C. Hardercarol's cyberspace

What would you do, say or give as a gift if you knew that this was to be your last Christmas on earth?

Would you make a special effort to spend time with friends and loved ones – especially those – perhaps, that you have taken for granted?

Would you hold steadfast with the same holiday traditions – or, maybe tweak a few changes?

Would you make sure the time did not pass without saying “thank you” to those necessary?

Would you slow down to savor the moments and bonds that bind you with love to others?

Words can build up and tear down.

They can encourage of discourage.

If you knew you were not to see another Christmas, would not you want to speak words that blessed – rather than baffled?

Would not you want to share words of kindness, love and gratitude with others – including those you love, as well as those you do not?

What special gifts would you want to make sure you gather to others?

Knowing that you cannot “take it with you,” would you carefully choose who to whom you gave your most prized possessions – or would you view your earthly belongings differently?

Happy memories, good feelings, love, respect, your time and attention – these are all things given from the heart. They are priceless, precious treasures that are cherished by their recipients – and cost so little. They are the gifts that do not hold a monetary value; they do not rust or fade.

Gifts from the heart arrived in a manger on the the very first Christmas, and have continued to change the course of history every since.

So . . . what if this was your last Christmas on earth?

Ask yourself the question, think on it – and see what your answer is.

You might be surprised at your response – and find a whole new perspective on the reason for the season.

Merry Christmas – and have a Happy 2015!


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