Senior student signature series

Taylor Kass is author of next 2015-2016 MLHS senior student editorial

* The 2015-2016 senior student signature series features area senior class students – and their own “signature” outlooks on a topic of their choice. A new outlook will be posted on Cross-Counties Connect each Friday. The series opens with point of view comments by seniors from Mountain Lake Public High School. The opinions can be found by clicking on the Family & Faith link on the website’s header, and scrolling down to, and clicking on, Outlook.  Their teachers are Brenda Feil, Kim Syverson and Debby Jass.

Is Technology Taking Over?

In the last decade, digital technology has transformed the way we live, work, communicate and learn. Just a few decades ago, none of us had access to the amount of technology available today. Even basic computers were hard to get, but now they fit into the palms of our hands.

Technology has changed the way we live. We rely on our phones to do everything for us. Most people are too busy looking at the screen to take a picture than actually living n the moment. According to Tecmark, a digital marketing agency from the United Kingdom, “The average owner uses their device for three hours and sixteen minutes each day, or the equivalent of almost one full day a week.”

People are losing their jobs because of how fast technology is advancing. Companies are getting robots to do the job, which work for free and have less mess-ups. Because machines do the work of 10 people with one computer, companies find they don’t need to employ as many people to get the job done. As machines and computers become even more efficient, advanced technology will continue to grow. On the other hand, sometimes it’s necessary to have robots because the jobs can get very dangerous for humans. Also, everything seems to be going digital, so employers don’t have to hire more people.

In today’s society, people are getting anti-social because of all the technology. They are too busy texting or looking on their phones to talk to their friends – who are right next to them. Half of teenagers are more confident expressing themselves over text or social media than in a traditional face-to-face conversation.

Technology has helped scientists understand our brain activity and how we learn. It has advanced our education, and we use technology every day to learn. It has helped us teach kids at an early age. Sometimes kids need glasses because of how close their electronics are. Time lost because of connection problems, downloading issues, policing software and other difficulties can cause roadblocks when trying to teach or have kids do their homework.

Technology helps us in many ways, but it is also hurting our kids. In the year 2010, a Kaiser Foundation study showed that elementary-aged children us, on average, 7.5 hours per day of entertainment with technology. Seventy-five percent of these children have televisions in their bedrooms and 50% of North American homes have the TV on all day. Gone are dining room table conversations, which have been replaced by the “big screen” and take-out.

Finally, childhood obesity is on the rise, and technology may be to blame. Although we focus on the amount and type of foods kids eat, one study says that obesity is increasing because, as we use more technology, we exercise less.

In my opinion, technology is getting to the point that we rely on our phones, iPad and other devices more than ourselves. Yes, technology helps us in a lot of ways, but it is also hurting everyone around us. Do you think technology is taking over the way we work, live and communicate?

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